Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mushy, dirty boobies

You read that right. "Mushy, dirty boobies." That's how my once-perky bosom was described so honestly this morning by my favorite 3 year old brown haired little girl. Changing clothes in the morning or getting dressed when I've stepped out of the shower without modesty is now a thing of the past thanks to my "compliment" I received this morning. I was so taken off guard, I smiled and said "why THANK you!" A huge smile crossed her face like she was the proud new owner of something shiny and new as she said "you're WELLLLcome Mommmmma!!!"

A short time later, I was laying on the bed watching cartoons with my little smartie pants and she said "Momma, are you cold?" I said "No" so naturally, she asks "Are you hot?" Actually, I was quite hot... it's warm making another human being cell by cell! So I said "Yes, mommy is hot." She so lovingly puts her hand on my forehead and says "my goodness, momma, you are burning up with a fever. You are so sick, poor thing!" LOL... now granted, I am fighting a bug and I might have had a low-grade fever, but I certainly wasn't burning up according to my standards.

Well, I'm now 31 weeks pregnant by date and 32 weeks pregnant by measurement. I am getting SO excited to see my newest little creation and am SO anxious about giving birth. I know I've said it before, and you'd think I'd be a pro by the 4th time, but I get butterflies just thinking about it. Each delivery was so smooth, yet so different from the others. I keep wondering how this one will be. I hope labor goes quickly and she inherited MY cranial circumference, but we'll see. Only time will tell. I'm looking forward to seeing my parents too. They are planning to come out before the baby is born so that will be fun. :) Landen is tentatively planning to fly out to AZ after school lets out and then drive back with them, but he's on a stand-by ticket, so fingers crossed, nothing will come up so he can't get a flight... or that Madeleine decides to come THAT much early.

Well I'm tired now, so I'll take my mushy, dirty boobies and go lay down for a little bit while my "burning up with a fever, poor, sick body" can feel better. :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! Kids are awesome. I got this one last week: 'Mom... why is your butt so big? Daddy's is not even half that big but yours is huge!' Uh...thanks Belle ; ) Hope you're feeling better soon!


