Monday, March 28, 2011

Come to the rescue!

How many times as a mother have you truly wanted to save your child? Whether it's emotionally or physically? I am the type of mom who usually tries to find the lesson and blessing in every situation and the silver lining in every cloud. Today was the exception.

I didn't sleep much last night. I don't sleep much any night for that matter, so it wasn't too far out of the norm. Between having to pee every hour to a sweet baby in my belly that wants to kick or get the hiccups, my sleep is interrupted frequently. I don't mind at all; I usually get up and find something to do since I can't go right back to sleep. Well, Thong has gotten sick and I kept waking up to check on him, make sure he didn't have a fever and walk around the house to make sure the kids were all ok and not catching what he had.

Thankfully, I browned and seasoned some meat last night and got it in the crock pot for today's meal. (YUM for beef stew!!!). Everytime I'd get up in the night, I would go to check on it and it was looking better each time. :)

Given the lack of sleep, I was tired this morning. I got up and did my routine with the kids; got Noah ready for school, fixed his breakfast, combed his hair while he ate his Cheerios and cut-up banana, brushed his teeth and off we went to school after making sure he had his bottle of water and Nutri-Grain bar for his snack.

All seemed to be going well and I decided to lay down when I got back home because Lourdes was still sleeping. I set my alarm for 10, unless she woke up before that, which would give me 35 minutes to prepare lunch for both kids and be up to the school to eat lunch with Noah by 10:45.

Just as I start to drift off to sleep, my phone rings. It's the school nurse. Noah had a runny nose this morning so I figured it was a call to let me know I should come get him or maybe he had gotten worse. Not the case.

"Mrs. Do? This is Stephanie, the school nurse. I have Noah in the office. He wet his pants. I don't have any spare underwear that are big enough to fit him, so I was wondering if you could bring him a change of clothes." Okay, first of all, YUCK on the spare undies!!! Thank goodness my child's hind-end is too big to fit in the normal kindergarten spare drawers. Second of all, what happened? I was so heartbroken for him. She told me he was in the bathroom in her office with the door locked waiting for me.

Realizing that I had not yet put Lourdes' car seat back in my car after washing the padding and cover over the weekend, I hurried to get it securely placed in the car, in spite of a massive belly that tried to get in the way, every which way I turned. Finally, I got it so it wouldn't budge and off we went with a change of clothes.

When I arrived, I found a very large child who felt very small. I wanted so badly to take away his pain. Noah is a really strong and well-spoken child, but is also very tender hearted in spite of his absolute love for Star Wars and light sabers which make him come off as being real rough and tough. I asked him what happened and he said he just didn't know. He smiled when he saw that I brought a very similar pair of shorts to him. I told him I didn't want the other kids to notice he had on something different.

I asked him if any of the other kids saw it and he said he wasn't sure. As much as I don't advocate lying, I told him just to tell anyone who might ask that he had a bottle of water in his pocket and the lid came off and got all over him. A small smile crossed his face as I presume he felt less trapped as he walked back to class.

Lourdes and I came back home and put together lunch for her and Noah and I got some tupperware out and gathered some food for Thong. As we sat in the cafeteria, Noah's teacher (who I LOVE) came up to talk to me and let me know that Noah is such a rule-follower, she thinks he just didn't want to ask for permission to go to the bathroom while they were all sitting on the round carpet listening to a story. That made me proud of him to be known as a strict rule follower, but sad to know that he would rather be humiliated than to ask to go in an emergency. (Which she allows the kids to go to the bathroom if it's an emergency, just not a regular occurrance if it's carpet time.)

After lunching with Noah and giving some extra hugs, love and words of reassurance that it would all be ok, Lourdes and I came up to the office to check on Thong and give him his food.

All in all, I think our day is turning out ok, but it was absolutely one of those times as a mom where I would have given anything to take the place of my humiliated child. The look of complete shame on his face was almost too much for this momma to take without crying.

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